Click on the Volunteer graphic to be taken to our Ministries Interest Form.
Ministry Descriptions & Requirements
Liturgical Ministries
Lector - Proclaims the scripture readings during the weekend and/or daily Masses. Training is required. Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC) - Offer the Body & Blood of Christ during Masses. Must present current certificate or be willing to be nominated by Priest. Training is required. Holy Communion to the Homebound / Nursing Homes - Bring Holy Communion to those who are shut-ins; Must be an EMHC (see above). Choir/Cantor - Share your voice for weekend liturgies, Holy days, and special gatherings. Organist/Pianist/Instrumentalist - Accompany the congregation & choral singing; provide instrumental pieces. Greeter ** - Welcomes parishioners & guests as they attend weekend liturgies. Usher - Assist with finding seats for parishioners & guests at Mass, hand out bulletins, and clean up after Mass. Gift Bearer **- Individual and/or family to bring up the bread & wine during the offertory. Altar Server - Serve at Mass. Training is required. Sanctuary Environment (SM only) - Help decorate the church & environment by seasons and liturgical norms. ** Great for families to get children involved in the Mass!
Adult Faith Formation & Prayer Groups
Adult Faith Sharing - Meet with other adults to share faith, prayers, & Catholic teachings. Adult Bible Study - Help facilitate and/or participate in a study of scriptures. Grief Share - National 13-week program with classes in Boone and Madrid. OCIA Team - Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) helps with classes for those seeking to join the Catholic faith. OCIA Sponsor - Be a mentor for an individual preparing to join the Catholic faith. Sponsor Couple for Engaged Couples - As a married couple, you will help prepare an engaged couple for the Sacrament of Marriage. Prayer Chain - Be part of an email group prayer team praying for specific intentions. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament- Being present for one hour before the Blessed Sacrament. Prayer Shawl - (Meets at SH) - Get together once a month to knit or crochet prayer shawls for those in need of comfort. Reaching Every Child - (Meets at SH) - Group meets weekly to pray the Rosary for specific intentions.
Children & Youth Ministries
Youth Ministry Team - Help organize and facilitate spiritual gatherings of our youth. VBS/Summer Program - Help when/where needed for summertime youth programs. Religious Education Teacher/Aide - Help teach our Catholic faith to students.
Parish Activities
Welcome Committee - Reaching out to newcomers & visitors to our parish. Funeral Luncheon Committee - Help set up, serve, and clean up as a form of hospitality for families. Home Bound Visiting - Taking time for regular visits & prayer with individuals who are shut-in. Transportation to Mass for the Elderly/Those in Need - Transporting someone in need to weekend Mass. Knights of Columbus - Catholic men building a bridge back to faith. Meets every month at both locations. Altar Society -(Meets at SH) -Meet with other women regularly to plan and participate in various programs that support the mission of the church. Social Justice Committee - (meets at SM) - Group meets once a month during school year to serve those people and areas of need in our community & parish. Livestream Weekend Masses (at SH only) - Responsible for running the video equipment to livestream one of the weekend Masses; rotating with others. Finance Committee - Willing to be nominated to serve as a council member. Pastoral Council - Willing to be nominated to enhance our parish community within our liturgical, spiritual, and social gatherings. Collection Counting - Counting the collection with others on a rotating schedule. Parish Bulk Mailing & Bulletin Folding - Help fold and prepare mailings or fold & stuff inserts into the bulletin. Various Maintenance Needs - Willing to share skills in one of the following areas: carpenter, painter, plumber, electrical, grounds and/or gardening. Church Cleaning (at SH only) - Join a crew, cleaning about every 6-8 weeks.