Each mother in my little neighborhood was different in personality, interests, and circumstances. Mrs. Jongewaard, Mrs. Ackerson, Mrs. Downs, Mrs. Loebig, Mrs. Weig, Mrs. Kunz, Mrs. West, and Mrs. Bauer. But each retained a presence of faith, and a gratitude for their motherhood and family. Each mother walks a different path within the blessing of their motherhood as the following two mothers recount. “Motherhood is quite a journey. It is the most transformative and epic experience I have ever gone through. Once I became a mother, I could no longer see life through any other lens. I am forever changed as a person and will carry the profound responsibility of being a mom for the rest of my life. It has humbled and challenged me immensely, teaching me a new level of patience I never had before. It has also opened up a new depth of love I never knew existed. Every decision I make now comes from the touchstone of being a mom. No one could have prepared me for the intensity of love, innate desire to protect or how unsettling it can be to feel like your heart is now on the outside of your body. It is the most vulnerable, raw and beautiful season of my life.” (Emily De Silva) “Motherhood has made me confident in who I am and what I believe. I know that I have to stand strong and firm because I have my children watching. I want them to be confident, so I lead by example. . . .When they see me, they see not only their mommy, but the person who is going to protect them no matter what. . . .I didn’t know that being a mother was such an emotional journey. . . .I am completely in love with each of my children, but can be so frustrated and annoyed all at the same time. When I finally get time to myself, I find myself thinking about my children. I am realizing how much motherhood really is a community.” (Johnetta Lafond) I’ve had the blessing of a mother living into her eighties, my grandmother Johnson living just down the street from our house, and Grandma Wingert four blocks south after retiring from the farm. Too often I overlooked or took for granted their sacrifices, their natural instinct to protect and care, and to be women of faith regardless of the circumstances in their lives. In a special day of respect, we honor mothers, regardless of their background, who instinctively nurture and protect their family. Blessings to all mothers for the gift of motherhood only God could bestow, especially those who are nurturing the precious gift of life in their womb. And so we ask our Blessed Mother, in whom we honor in a special way this month of May: Mary, Mother of all Life, help us to respect human life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death. Mary, Mother of Compassion, You showed us how valuable a single life can be; Help us to guard and protect the lives of all people entrusted to our care. Mary, Mother of the Child Jesus, with St. Joseph you formed the Holy Family. Guard and protect all families in this earthly life. Mary, Mother Most Holy, you sanctified the vocation of motherhood.
As we continue to ‘step into’ our redefined parish, the diocese has asked us to resurrect if you will a Parish Council for our Boone County Catholic Community. With the approaching end of our present school year, putting together Ascension Parish Pastoral Council can gradually take place over these summer months ahead. Foregoing the nomination/election process and too, any special invite by the pastor, we will rely on the interest of individuals who desire to serve in this capacity. As the church documents puts forth on Pastoral Councils: In describing the role of the Parish Pastoral Council, paragraph 4 of the Constitution for Parish Pastoral Councils (2018) states, ‘A Council consists of the Parish Priest together with parishioners. The role of the Council is to promote the Church’s mission to live and communicate the love, values and teaching of Christ in our world. The Council shares in the responsibility for the ongoing life and development of the faith community, working together with parishioners to provide support for their efforts to live as followers of Christ’. Pastoral issues, the core of the council, are those that impact on the life of parishioners in the areas of integration of their faith into everyday life – home, work and community. Nourishment and support of their faith as they strive to live as faithful disciples of Jesus. And, outward focus for the development of a vibrant Christian community, actively engaged in Jesus’ mission of witness and service in the wider world. (Constitution for Parish Pastoral Councils) If you have questions, concerns, desire further information, or interested in serving on the Pastoral Council, call the parish office and I will get back with you. Additional information forthcoming. Thank you. Just a footnote: Next Sunday is our parish feast day. Some years ago the Ascension Holy Day was moved from Thursday to the following Sunday, (the Sunday before Pentecost). No special events planned for our initial feast day. And congratulations to Deacon David Brown and Annette on the fifteenth anniversary of his diaconate. God Bless, Fr. Tim FYI: “I do not like broccoli. And I haven't liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it. And I'm President of the United States and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli.” (George H. W. Bush)