GriefShare is a non-denominational grief support program offered throughout the United States.
Ascension Parish offers this 13-week program at both of our church locations.
Register online or call our Parish Office at 515-432-1971.
You do NOT need to be Catholic or Ascension parishioners to participate in this program.
Do you desire to grow in your Catholic faith? Do you seek connection with other women in our parish community? We invite you to consider Walking with Purpose, a Catholic women's Bible study program. If you're interested in joining a group (or just want to learn more), contact Megan Ulrich ([email protected]) or Marsha Wright Skinner ([email protected]) for current study information or complete our interest form. Walking With Purpose is a women's ministry with a mission of helping every Catholic woman and girl in America encounter Christ through our Bible studies. WWP Bible studies involve personal study and small group discussions that link our everyday challenges with the solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church. |
Join a group of faithful friends who meet in individual homes for prayer and dinner. This group meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 4pm.
Please contact Marilou Krumm for more information: 515-230-1831
Join us in praying for the needs of "our" children.
Mondays at 8:30am in the parish hall conference room at Sacred Heart in Boone.
This faithful group of men studies the scripture readings for the upcoming Sunday Mass.
Please join us via zoom. Mondays at 7pm.
Contact the Ascension Parish office for more details.
Held on the second Wednesday of each month during the school year (September thru April).
6:15pm at St. Malachy's &
6:45pm at Sacred Heart.
Come join us for this special rosary completely led by the children of Ascension Parish. Learn more about the Children's Rosary Movement at this link.